Inter-institutional alignment

Inter-institutional alignment

The civil association "El Maíz Más Pequeño" has been busy designing strategies to integrate human beings with nature and to enhance our work, as well as that of other institutions and organizations with similar purposes. For this reason, we have decided to align ourselves inter-institutionally with the following social and political agendas:


The Paris Agreement is based on involving all countries so that they have a common cause and undertake strategies to combat the effects of climate change. One of its main goals is to continue efforts to further limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

This is associated with our objective of carrying out actions that allow raising awareness and transmitting knowledge of adaptation to climate change at the local and regional level.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) constitute a series of goals and actions that seek to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives of people around the world.

The civil association "The Smallest Maize" starts from the vision of the "basin as a life system" as a strategy for adaptation to climate change. In this way, our community intervention actions are linked to the objectives set out in the 2030 agenda, mainly with: Guaranteeing a healthy life; Promote wellness; Clean water and sanitation; Reduction of inequalities; Climate action and quality education.



The 2021-2024 special climate change program is a series of mandatory actions for the dependencies and entities of the Federal Public Administration, within the scope of their respective powers. One of its main objectives is to guarantee the right to a healthy environment and the application of public policies for adaptation to climate change and the mitigation of greenhouse gas and compound emissions.

With this same purpose, the civil association "El Maíz Más Pequeño" has been busy outlining a strategy that makes it possible to prepare society for climate change through educational programs that promote the participation of young people, teachers and the community as a strategy for the creation of a productive and administrative generational replacement of the territory to guarantee a healthy environment.


The federal public administration in Mexico has managed a new educational model of comprehensive orientation, focused on 4 main axes: the humanistic approach, study plans and programs, the community and the professional development of each of its teachers. Focusing the idea of education under the concept of learning-learning, continuous updating, adaptation to changes and lifelong learning.

In this sense, we seek to support the objectives of the current educational model and contribute our philosophy of “learn-teaching” which implies, at the same time, that I am acquiring the information by transmitting it to other people; In this way, each of the students will be trained in adaptive capacities to climate change and will transmit them to their respective communities.




Together, the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP), the civil association "El Maíz Más Pequeño", the Autonomous University of Querétaro (UAQ) and other institutions have collaborated to achieve food sovereignty in the following terms: 1) Prioritize to the production of food for national and local markets, through diversified and agroecological production systems of peasant and family agriculture; 2) guarantee fair prices for farmers; 3) Facilitate access to land, water, forests, fishing grounds and other productive resources through genuine redistribution; 4) Recognize and promote the role of women in food production, and promote equal access to and control over productive resources; 5) Give communities control over productive resources, as opposed to corporate ownership of land, water, and energy resources; 6; Protect and propagate the seeds, base the feeding of life itself; and finally, 7) Invest in public funds to support productive activities.

The foregoing, within the framework of the actions that our association carries out to join and coordinate with other key actors at the international, national and regional levels.

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